Thursday, December 30, 2010

A new year's resolution

This year, 2010, has been filled with a lot of ups and downs. Our country has been put the the ringer thanks to events such as the BP Oil spill, but has also celebrated the end of the war in Iraq and a historical mid term election just this November. One thing that has made this past year great for me, personally, was the ability to involve myself more in the world around me. I have learned more about American history, fiscal policy , patriotism and freedom than even before. And more important that learning about it was learning about what it means to me. 
In 2010, I felt what it was really like to put my hand on the pulse of our nation and feel the heart beat of America . And friends, I am telling you, it does not beat in Washington, DC. I beats in me, and in you and in every American citizen who still believes that a handshake is still worth something. Patriots, who believe morals are more valuable than the dollar and who serve God, family and country, in that order, are the pulse of this nation.
So, looking forward to 2011, I wonder what cards we are going to be dealt. But one thing I know for sure. The cards have not been dealt yet. I urge you to pull your chair up to the table, make your bet, and bet it all on America. And know that it is always a winning bet. The more Americans who put their faith and trust in things like freedom, honor and values then the bigger the pot we stand to win. Now, I warn you, sitting at this table comes with a great responsibility. You must arm yourself with education. What a powerful tool. You must find out what you, too, believe in. Read a book, listen to talk radio, educate yourself more about Americans of past and present that you admire and want to emulate. If you do these things, then you know that you have made a safe bet. America will stand with you. And we, as citizens of the United States of America, will win. By knowing what we value and what we believe in, then the pot is ours for the taking and in cashing it in, we will restore our honor. 
I invite you to walk with me hand-in-hand into 2011, not as friends, or family or strangers, but as Americans. We, together, can serve God, family, and country. I encourage you to set an example to yourself, your family, your community and your countrymen. Let your children see you pray and be vulnerable to our God. Tell then stories about real heroes like David, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln instead of pop music stars and reality TV personalities. Tell them that you have to work hard to succeed in life, but that it's possible if you believe in yourself. Tell them that freedom isn't free and about the men and woman of the armed forces, fire and police departments who make sacrifices daily to preserve it. Tell your friends that you are proud to be an American. Wear a flag on your lapel. Fly one in your front yard, or in front of your business. Be a voice in your community. Go to your town hall meetings, call your congressman, support small business. Make a promise by shaking someone's hand and mean it. Make this your resolution for the new year. Be the example. It starts with you and end when we no longer believe, or have our honor or our integrity. Preserve it for your children and grandchildren. Let this be OUR year. The year of the American.

1 comment:

  1. Well written! I have taken this advice to heart and hope to follow your footsteps. :)
