It is impossible to expect from other people that which you cannot expect from yourself. In the words of Gandhi,"be the change you want to see in the world."
The same holds true with our families. How are we supposed to teach our children to be honest, moral, and polite, if we ourselves are not? We, as Americans, must stop looking outward for all of the answers and start looking inward instead. We must hold ourselves responsible and accountable for our actions. And as much so for our inactions I once heard a quote that said, "to not act is to act and to not speak is to speak." I find this to be unbelievably true. Are we not saying alot when we say nothing at all. Who is responsible when we sit and watch events unfold that we know and feel are wrong, but yet we do nothing to change them. No one has held us incapable of having a voice to be heard, but ourselves. And we alone have the ability to say 'no more.' Make that choice in your life. Speak. Act. Be the change.
you are so inspring :)