If freedom isn't free, then what exactly does it cost? Blood? Live? Bullets? Maybe money or power? Perhaps it is a combination of all of these things.
When you buy a home, you pay for it with money. When you sell that same home you would expect to receive money in return for the deed. So, if we bought our freedom with the blood, sweat and tears of other Americans, what are you willing to sell it for? Are you willing to hand it over for money? How about power? Or maybe in the name of security? I wonder what the men and woman who died fighting for our freedom would think about some of the things we ate willing to give up our freedom for. Have we fought on the battlefields of the world so that we can protect ourselves from ourselves? Have children walking among us have lost their mothers and fathers so that people who are not even citizens of this country can come and bask in the light and warmth of liberty?
I don't know about you, but I love freedom. And I’m not willing to give it up so easily and cheaply. It is precious and it is rare and we have paid the highest price for it. So, let us have pride in our investment. Let us not hand it over in the cause of being comfortable, secure and 'taken care of.'
Let us take care, instead, of ourselves. We, as Americans, must stand united. We don’t' have a choice. There are a lot of differences among us, and that is okay, but our principles, values and love of freedom can bring us together again. Just as it did our founding fathers who with divine providence mutually pledged to each other their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor. Would you take that pledge today? Under the care and guardianship of God, do you pledge your life to each other? Do you pledge to contribute your fortune to the charities and maintenance of this great nation? How about your sacred honor? Do you live your life honestly? Do you tell the truth even when it hurts you, because it is the truth and the truth can set you free? Ask yourself these questions, and if you dare to say 'yes', then stand firm on your decision. Stand united with other Americans who pledge the same thing. We must unite, America. United-we stand, divided-we fall.
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